Name: Miuo Toska
Pronounced: "Mew"
Age: Young
Birth Sign: The Apprentice
Gender: Female (male genitals)
Body: Hourglass
Scent: Vanilla & Wildflowers
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 90 lbs
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Solid White
Lips: Full & Pouty
Skin: Sickly Pale
Voice: Soft & Reserved
Race: Bosmer
Vampiric Bloodline: Noxiphilic Malvoria (Custom)
Teeth: Double Canines (Discrete)
Piercings: Ears, Nose, Nipples
Markings: None
Home: Vvardenfell
Occupation: Scholar, Teacher, Bard & Boarding House Owner
Languages: Bosmeris, Dunmeris. Orcish, Aldmeris, Daedric

Rather small in stature and build, miuo often further draws attention to her diminutive size by wearing tightly corsetted attire that leaves her tiny waist looking all the more fragile. Though her appearance and her pallor make her seem weak and vulnerable, her grasp of magic and nimble dexterity are all signs to the contrary.Beyond her diminutive size, and pale pallor, her stark solid white eyes are the feature that next garner the most attention. The lack of defined pupil or any noticeable iris in them makes her appear as if she is perhaps blind. Something proved not to be true quickly enough by the way she seems to conduct her self.

Quiet and Reserved, Miuo can often come off as a bit cold or aloof. Hiding behind her quietness she keeps a guard up to protect her self. Her morals seeming to sway and shift depending on those she is around. Seeing her self more as morally grey than good or evil in either pure sense.

Speaking rarely of her past life, Miuo puts her focus on the future. Knowing little of her own life prior to her earliest memories, Miuo is unable to recall those who gave life to her. Only the life she had with her adoptive father.Her earliest memories are of her as a young child in a cavern maze system that her adoptive father called home. Where she largely remained until the death of her father at the hands of others who came to kill him.Left alone in the world, she set out to discover what there was beyond the caverns she had ever only known. Traveling extensively, her naivety taken advantage of repeadily. Her mistrust for others soon grew, as did her dislike for cities. Not all her experiences proved damaging, she soon discovered a love for the immense diverse foliage she encountered on her travels as well as many of the cultural styles of those she encountered.Eventually acquiring land in Vvardenfell to build a boarding house for the wayward and those like her seeking respite from the bustle of cities and crowds.

⌘ Being hunted for what she is
⌘ Losing the home she has worked so hard to build for her self
⌘ Nature
⌘ Losing herself in study
⌘ Nixads
⌘ Playing Music
⌘ Reading
⌘ Silver tone jewelry
⌘ Purple Gems
⌘ Tea
⌘ Red Wine
⌘ Cultivating plant variants/hybrids
⌘ Seeking out new treasures and things of interest to add to her various collections
⌘ Gold jewelry
⌘ Destruction of nature
⌘ Needless slaughter of animals
⌘ Destruction of knowledge
⌘ Create a prized plant variant/hybrid
⌘ Resurrect her adoptive father
⌘ Become a well-established boarding house
Obstacles in front of goals
⌘ Skill/Talent
⌘ Time
⌘ Others trying to keep her from bringing someone back
What are they willing to do to achieve their goals
⌘ Kill
⌘ Steal
⌘ Sacrifice others
⌘ Playing the Esraj
⌘ Gardening
⌘ Reading
Favorite Colors
⌘ Black
⌘ White
⌘ Light Purple
⌘ Strengthened during the night
⌘ Undamaged by sunlight
⌘ Resistant to silver
⌘ Resistant to disease
⌘ Resistant to poison
⌘ Increased/rappid healing
⌘ Weakened during the day
⌘ Necromancy
⌘ Fire
⌘ Touch [Her seer ability is triggered by touch and is painful to endure]
Favorite thing about themself
⌘ Her mind
⌘ Ability to survive
⌘ Vampiric healing and strength
What do they hate about themself
⌘ Need for validation/approval
⌘ Vampiric hunger
Pet peeves
⌘ Brutish types
⌘ Messiness
⌘ Sloppy drunkenness
⌘ Lack of respect for personal space

Victims of Noxiphilic Malvoria do not instantly become vampires. The individual must be drained to near completion before the blood of the vampire is fed to them for there to be a chance for infection. The act is not absolute and does possess a risk of failure and killing the individual. Once infected the disease spreads through their veins like black ink as the victim falls into a coma-like state to begin the physical transformation. To an onlooker, the victim's body would slowly become covered in a black spider web-like design across their flesh as the disease spread throughout the body. The time it takes for the transformation to complete varies from individuals. Larger individuals often take longer, while much smaller individuals tend to complete the transformation much quicker. It does not appear as if race, magical inclination plays any hindrance or benefit to such. The black spiderweb-like veins dissipate over time as the individual completes their transition. Vanishing entirely once they awaken as a fully-fledged vampire.Effects of the disease
If it is contracted, the blood of uninfected specimens is required for sustenance on a fairly consistent basis in order to maintain their strength, abilities, and health. Failure to do so begins to take its toll only days after they begin to starve. Should they be starved for too long, natural instincts begin to kick in, and the infected take on a more feral nature. In normal circumstances, a violent bloody frenzy is often enough to bring the infected sense back around. However if the infected are caged/restrained/held captive in some way and kept from feeding at all. The infected will continue to deteriorate into a twisted feral unrecognizable creature. Becoming gaunt and skeletal-like, its eyes sink in and go white, while its flesh takes on a leathery sickly hue. Its hair falling out to leave it bald eventually. Losing any means to converse intelligently takes to unintelligible shrieks of agony and rage.Unique Traits of Malvoria
⌘ A key identifying indicator of the vampiric strain is the double canines that develop instead of the single pair. These double fangs are small enough to go unnoticed in passing. It is only with keen observation and the infected revealing their teeth in some way for it to become blatantly obvious.⌘ Victims of Noxiphilic Malvoria are not weakened or otherwise harmed by sunlight, and they are instead strengthened during the night. As such, their regenerative abilities are greatly enhanced at night and are able to pull the shadows or darkness in on them to further conceal or obscure their form.⌘ Their blood and saliva have a drug-like quality on mortal beings, allowing them to make mortals addicted and therefore willing or compliant to being fed on.⌘ The Malvoria vampire clan practices hunting techniques more akin to spiders, creating a “web” like a trap in which to ensnare prey rather than activly hunt, these “webs” differ from vampire to vampire. Some prefer elaborate mazes or appealing locations that catch the interest of an individual, too confusing paths that lead to one getting lost in a forest and intricate maze tunnels meant to make one confused and lost. Regardless, the intent is to lure the prey to the vampire rather than chance hunting in unfamiliar conditions that could risk them being caught and giving them an immense advantage over their prey.

Characters with ꕥ symbol are an alt
Click name for link
ꕥ Joun Bazul - Adoptive Orc Father (Deceased)ꕥ Valec Bael - Dunmer Necromancer (Deceased)ꕥ Invatoria - Orc Servant/Head of Staff (Alive)Johnny Tauzin - Breton (Unknown)Aros Dark-Blade - Hand to Hand Combat Mentor (Alive)Enri Moorcroft - Magick Mentor (Alive)Draelen Valteri - House Guard (Alive)

⌘ Seer - Miuo is able to get visions or see things if she has a tactile touch with a person or object.⌘ Soul Magic - Miuo's prime focus of the study is soul magic and its potential.⌘ Blood Magic - Miuo has taken up an interest in Blood Magic.⌘ Botany - Miuo is a skilled botanist, weaving together the art and knowledge of plants and magic.⌘ Collector - Miuo is a collector of oddities, relics, knowledge, and rare goods. Ever looking for the next treasure to add to her growing hoard.⌘ Alchemy - Her second great passion is alchemy. And its untapped potential. Initially becoming interested in the art when it provided a means to sate her vampiric hunger.⌘ Vampire - A secret she goes to extensive efforts to keep concealed.⌘ The Lotus Boarding House - Miuo runs a boarding house for the wayward, weird and those seeking haven and respite from the world.⌘ Willow Reed Academy - An overgrown and recently acquired property Miuo intends to teach alchemy and magical arts from.⌘ Bard - Spending much of her life and free time playing, Miuo has gained some notable skill in a few instruments. Occasionally taking up some work to play at taverns and the like during her travels.⌘ Scholar - A devout consumer of tomes and knowledge Miuo can often be found in a vast number of libraries, private collections or delving into ancient ruins to pursue lost knowledge.⌘ Character Plot - Miuo is currently trying to resurrect her adoptive father through a plot iv created.

⌘ Casual/Long Term RP⌘ Hiring staff⌘ Making a vampiric fledgling of her own⌘ Individuals to feed from⌘ Story-driven encounters⌘ Tavern RP⌘ Slice of life⌘ Dark RP

The Lotus Boarding House (Main House)- Amaya Lake Lodge (Public - Owned By Miuo)The Lotus Boarding House (Guest House)- Ald Velothi Harbor House (Public - Owned By Miuo)Willow Reed Academy - Antiquarian's Alpone Gallery (Public - Owned By Miuo)The Lotus Boarding House (Vault) - Lakemire Xanmeer Manor (Private - Owned By Miuo)The Bloodwell - Velothi Reverie (Private - Owned By Joun)